Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Adult Swim

Working on Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Working with creators Matt Maiellaro and Dave Willis on their Adult Swim show Aqua Teen Hunger Force for over 10 years has been an amazing experience. I've done sound design, foley and mix on the series, as well as for the Aqua Teen feature film. I’ve had many opportunities to record dialogue for different characters, as well as track the band Mastodon for the movie open. Dave and Matt also asked me to create credit music for two seasons, and a whole new theme song for the last season, which was really fantastic. They also animated me (as myself) into their "PE Christmas" episode in season seven. How cool is that?

Michael Kohler

Some samples of music Bluetube created for the series

Title theme created for the show's last season
End credits theme created for the show's last season
A remix of the title theme created for the Aqua Something You Know Whatever season
A remix created with Matt Maiellaro for the Aqua Unit Patrol Squad season
A ringtone created by Bluetube for Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Some images of Michael animated in the "PE Xmas" episode